






city还可以指伦敦的金融区,用the City表示,首字母大写。

city还可以指城市居民,用the city表示,首字母小写。

city还可以指城市生活,用city life表示,首字母小写。

city还可以指城市的特点或问题,用city + 形容词表示,如city noise(城市噪音)、city pollution(城市污染)等。

city还可以和其他词组合,构成新的词,如city hall(市政厅)、city council(市议会)、city center(市中心)等。

Beijing is a large city. 北京是一座大城市。

I live in the west of the city. 我住在城市的西部。

The city is held by the enemy. 这座城市已被敌人占领。

He said he preferred country life to city life. 他说他喜欢乡下生活,而不喜欢都市生活。

The pressures of city life forced him to move to the country. 都市生活的压力迫使他搬到乡下。

The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team. 全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋的球队。

She works in the City. 她在伦敦金融区工作。



This city has everything that one could wish for except good weather. 这座城市里应有尽有,就是没有好天气。

I tried to get any kind of job but it seemed that the whole city had closed the door on me. 我想随便找个工作干,但整个城市看来都拒不接受我。

London, Paris and New York are all large cities. 伦敦、巴黎和纽约都是大城市。

The fighting reduced the city to a shambles. 这场战斗使这座城市成了一片废墟。

The Romans founded a great city on the banks of this river. 罗马人在这河岸上建立了一座大城市。

Do you like to live in a great city 你喜欢住在大都市里吗

She strayed about in the strange city. 她在这个陌生的城市四处乱逛。

The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year. 该城市去年交通事故减少了。

Do you know of a really good hotel in this city 你知道这个城里有家真正像样儿的好旅馆吗

Sister Carrie was bewildered by the crowd and traffic in the city. 嘉莉妹妹被城里众多的人群和繁忙的交通弄得晕头转向。

There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country. 住在城里和住在乡下有许多差别。

We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city. 我们雇了一个司机带我们浏览这个城市。

A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city. 参观这个城市的名胜古迹可能要用一个星期。


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